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Jump Rope for Heart

Our recent newsletter and "Save the Date" note gave you a glimpse into our Jump Rope for Heart event. Scheduled for February 14th, all (with a background check) are invited to attend. Please come out and turn a rope, cheer on our students, or even jump yourself.

Valley Elementary had a long history of strong participation in Jump Rope for Heart and now that we have transitioned into Pelham Oaks Elementary we are continuing this tradition. Our school goal and class challenge information as well as our JRFH class schedule can be found in our latest newsletter.

JRFH is an event that has always been special to me. I have always valued the good work of the American Heart Association and am proud of the collaboration with SHAPE America and our state association, ASAHPERD. Prior to our JRFH event our students learn heart facts and learn key concepts related to heart health. During JRFH week students travel through our heart obstacle course and learn the function and anatomy of the heart. Through this event students learn the importance of being community helpers. For several reasons, JRFH has been an important part of the Valley/Pelham Oaks curriculum.

My Daddy

However, this event is very personal to me as well. My father died 5 1/2 years ago due to a massive heart attack. His life was sustained for 10 days but because of the damage he didn't survive. His mother, my MawMaw, had died previously due to an ongoing heart issue. Truthfully, we probably all have someone in our family or circle of friends that have been affected by heart attack, cardiovascular disease, or stroke. Because of the money raised through Jump Rope for Heart the American Heart Association "fund innovative research, fight for stronger public health policies, and provide critical tools and information to save and improve lives".

Please consider helping your child raise money for the American Heart Association by participating in our Jump Rope for Heart event. As always, if you have questions, please let us know.

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