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Welcome Back!!

I am looking forward to another great school year. The first day back always brings so many emotions for me, our students, and our parents. On that first day, I will be excited to see all of my students and colleagues. Over the summer days, my students seem to grow so much taller. When they come in on the first day with their fresh haircuts and new tennis shoes, they are energized and ready for a fresh start.

I am also energized for a fresh start....bringing in new ideas and teaching strategies that I gained from summer professional development opportunities.

My biggest task is making a connection, right away, with my students. I want my class to be inviting for all students....a safe space where everyone will find challenges but will also find success. I strive to establish a learning environment where everyone enjoys fully participating and being engaged.

I am thankful for the work I get to each day. My students are top-notch, my colleagues are supportive of our program, and I get to make a difference every day in the lives of so many.

Here's to a GREAT school year!!

~Ms. Aaron

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